Absent PC Guidelines Card

Player Character Information

Character's Name

Samwise Gamgee

Player's Name

Sean Austin

Campaign's Name

Lord of The Rings

Absent Consent

Non-Combat Guidelines

These can be used as a general guidelines and also as a random table, to the DM's discretion.

1d6 Guideline
1 Agree with Bilbo
2 Mocks Boromir
3 Have an extra portion of food or drink
4 Tries to barter with the merchant
5 Flirts with someone
6 Drinks more ale than everyone else

Combat Guidelines

Use Resources

Such as Spell Slots, Sorcery Points, Rest-based Skills, etc.

Allowed: YES / NO

Combat Strategy

To be used per round or as a general guideline.
Please note: Action (A), Bonus Action (BA) and Movement (M).

Round Strategy
1st (A) Bless, (BA) Spirit Weapon, (M) Away from enemies, still in range for A/BA
2nd (A) Sacred Flame, (BA) Spirit Weapon, (M) Stationary if not threatened, otherwise move away from threat
3rd (A) Cure wounds if needed, otherwise any attack spell, (BA) Spirit Weapon, (M) Stationary if not threatened, otherwise move away from threat