Session 002 - Report 2024-05-07

Session 002 - 2024-05-07

Finishing up the Specter

The fight against the Specter of the Nursemaid continued for a couple more rounds. The creature managed to inflict some damage to Klildar, who also failed a CON Save and ended up with his maximum hitpoints reduced.

The killing blow was delivered by Jon, which resulted in a flash of memories broadcasted into the mind of all PCs. They saw the Nursemaid having an affair with the patriarch of the family, which resulted in a pregnancy, followed by the assassination of the nursemaid after the child was born.

The Children's Demise

After investigating the other rooms on the floor, the group bashed the padlock and entered a room where they found the remains of two children. Upon inspecting a dollhouse, a replica of the house they are in, not only all secret doors were found, but also the ghosts of the children manifested in the centre of the room.

By talking to them the group found out that they had starved to death after being locked up in their room by their father. He had said it was for their own safety against "the monster in the basement", but he never came back to unlock the door.

Thorn, the youngest of them, wanted to play with them using his old toys, but Alfbern and Klildar collected the children's remains and decided that the best course of action would be to perform the proper rites on them, which would untether their spirits from the world of the living. However, when they tried to exit the room the two ghosts got really upset and scared of being left alone again, and they tried to possess them. Rose managed to possess Alfbern while her brother possessed Klildar.

Down the Staircase and Into the Basement

The group opened the secret door they discovered by examining the dollhouse and found a narrow staircase that lead to the house's basement, which they ventured forth.

By reaching the bottom of the stairs, they found themselves in a dreary environment. A chanting sound echoed through the rooms and corridors, but it was impossible to make out where it originated from.

The corridors and rooms featured dirt floors, walls and ceiling, with several tombs adorned with engraved tombstones. Two of these tombstones had the names of the children, and the coffins were empty.

Resting place

The group decided that they could put the children's remains to rest in their coffins, and after doing so their ghosts released the bodies they had possessed and seemed to have found the long-awaited rest.

Ghouls at the Intersection

After the funeral rites, the party continued to explore the area, and soon after they had split into two groups, Alfbern stumbled upon four Ghouls that emerged from the floors and attacked them.

The fight lasted for a couple of rounds, inflicting some damage to the adventurers, Klildar almost went down after stepping into a pit trap. But after levelling up mid-fight (sorry again, guys!) the group was able to defeat the creatures.

During the fight Klildar and Alfbern noticed that the chanting became louder and seemed to come from a lower level of the basement...

