Session 004 - Report 2024-06-10
Going Down
Feeling refreshed after the long rest, the party ventured further down in the dungeon, and reached a sort of cerimonial ante-chamber, filled with cerimonial trinkets. Kikldar examined one of them, a shrunken, shriveled head of a halfling. He put it back immediately after.
Now the chanting that was not intelligible before, clearly said "He is the Ancient. He is the Land".
Raising the Gate
The previous chamber had a gate leading to a larger chamber, partially flooded. After noticing a wheel embed to the whall, Alfbern transformed into a giant weasel, squeezed through the gate's bars and was able to use the wheel to raise the gate, allowing everyone into the larger chamber.
The Altar
Upon entering this room, the chanting stopped. The room's features were also different than the rest of the dungeon, instead of crude dirt floor and walls it had masonry work, raised dais along the walls and a raised altar in the center.
Jon and Klildar climbed into the altar and eleven shadowy hooded figures appeared along the dais, they chanted now "One must die". Linus was able to discern the intent of the figures, they should perform a ritual to appease them, they needed to kill something on the altar.
Meanwhile, Alfbern, still as a weasel, noticed a big pile of debris inside an alcove, the pile was in fact a shambling mound, apparently not paying attention to the party.
Trying to poke the shadowy figures, Jon stepped out of the altar, which triggered a reaction from the crowd. Now they chanted "Lorghoth the Decayer, we awaken thee!". In response to this call, the shambling mound raised from the waters and attacked the party!
The fight was not super challenging, the monster missed most of its attacks agains Klildar, however he did land two attacks in Jon, and proceeded to engulf him. Thankfully, Klildar was able to free him soon after, and the party proceeded to kill the creature.
The Escape?
With the creature gone, they explored the rest of the dungeon, finding a few treasures in the cultists chambers. Using the ladder they found behind the wall they climbed up, through a trapdoor, into a room on the ground floor.
This room, however, looked very different than the ones they visited before. Instead of pristine, it looked rotten. Shedding wallpapers, broken furniture, etc. The fireplace was alit and the fire was roaring, filling the air with a thick smoke. The door was gone, replaced by a guilhotine that kept coming down, making their escape quite risky!
Initiative was rolled, but how will they manage to escape?
- Alfbern, Level 2 Druid (Ziro)
- Klildar, Level 2 Paladin (Fábio)
- Jon, Level 2 Ranger (Ricardo)
- Linus, Level 2 Wizard (Daniel)
- Alchemy VTT (ambiance and videochat)
- Owlbear Rodeo (combat encounters and exploration)