Session 005 - Report 2024-07-01

Session 005 - 2024-07-01

Escaping the Death House

The party had just emerged from the dungeon into a smoke-filled room, with the walls looking rotten and the door replaced by a pair of scythe blades. They decided to attack the wall next to the fire place in hopes to break out of the house, but the wall wouldn't take any damage.

Focusing their efforts in a wall section leading to the foyer, they were able to smash it pretty easily, however a Swarm of Rats crawled from inside the walls and attacked them. The fight was quick, only two round, ending with Jon landing two attacks and killing off all the critters.

Once outside, the part witnessed the House cracking and almost screaming as it vanished.

They found themselves still in the middle of the road, cutting through a foggy forest. In one direction, the fog was closing off the road, and in the opposite direction they could see something big far off in the distance, in the path of the road.

The Next Level

Feeling pretty much shaken by the recent events, the party made camp to rest for the night, and while resting each one of them reflected on the recent events...


The Dragonborn Paladin meditated and trained, and after some contemplation he swore an Oath of the Crown to Torm.

As part of the training he became Resilient, becoming harder to be brought down. His newly sworn oath gave him access to new spells to command creatures as well as challenge opponents.


After some contemplation, Jon's eyes flashed red, he then lowered his hand to the ground and spoke a few words in a language he didn't know until then, and a White Wolf emerged from the ground, shaking the dark dirt off its snow white fur and then turning to face Jon with a pair of red eyes.

He also practiced with a hand-crossbow, to the point that he became a Crossbow Expert.


The druid was resting on his knees, contemplating the campfire. After a good while all the others party members heard him in their heads saying that he now could communicate telepathically. He then raised and gesticulated above the fire and conjured a ball of flames!


Linus was pretty shaken by the events in the house. The horror experienced by the children, the dark rituals that took place in the dungeon, and even the house itself trying to kill them. All of that left a mark on him, and when he broke from the contemplation, he professed an incantation, unbeknownst to him until this moment, and vanished from sight.

Reappearing a few seconds later he understood that now he can turn invisible!

