The party continued down the road after defeating the scarecrows and reached a fork, to the right the road would take them to Tser Pool, a lake formed by river, and to the left the road went uphill and leads to Vallaki and Castle Ravenflot
At the fork, they came upon an old gallows, which had only a rotting rope dangling. Alfbern investigated it but found nothing of note. However, right when the party turned to leave, they heard a creaking noise and saw a cadaver hanging from the rope. No one in the group recognised the cadaver, except for Linus, that saw himself. Alfbern proceeded to poke the body with his staff, to which the body dissolved into a puddle of thick clear liquid
The group was able to notice faint voices and music coming from the Tser Pool direction, and they decided to investigate. Upon reaching the clearing at the end of the road, and by the lake's shore, they found an encampment of Vistani
A large group of vistani was sitting by the fire, drinking, eating, and playing music. Jon and Klildar went ahead to meet them, leaving Linus, Alfbern, and Ireena hidden up the road
The meeting proved to be amicable, the Vistani welcomed them and offer drinks. One of them told a story about a Wizard that showed up a year ago, rallied the villagers and stormed Castle Ravenloft and fought Strahd until he was thrown from the top and into the river
Once the story was finished, a woman emerged from the largest tent stating that the party's arrival was foretold by Madam Eva and she invited them into her tent, including the three that were hiding up the road
They were greeted by name, and then asked if they wanted to have their fate read, Madam Eva shuffled and placed a deck of cards and asked for them to cut it, which Jon proceeded to do so. The cards are known as Tarokka
After the reading the party went outside and hired a vistana to take them half-way to Vallaki, they offered 30 gp + a golden ring. They will leave in the morning and will be dropped near the Old Bonegrinder