My 5e Content


I have these in PDF and I can share with the group (view-only)


I have these in PDF and I can share with the group (view-only)

Barkeep on the Borderlands

Alchemy RPG

Alchemy is an immersive VirtualTT, that focus more in the ambiance rather then maps. See more at

Dragon Town and the Darkness Below (Adventure Series)

The following adventures can be played each as a single one-shot or all of them as a series, becoming a Campaign from 1st to 10th Level if using the 5th Edition rules. They are system-agnostic an can be played using any rule system.

The author, JP Coovert, has cartoonish art style and a love for creating small, yet fully-fleshed, adventures. Have a look at his website.

Sly Flourish Adventures

Ruins of the Grendleroot


City of Arches



Where Evil Lives